Monday, August 23, 2010


Hi all, haven't had wifi for a few days. Only a brief update now, to much to do and see.

We're in Machynlleth in Wales (pronounced (mack) mach - ch is as the Scottish ch in Loch where the sound is made in the throat...yn as in "in" and kleth, again the k sound is the throaty Scottish "Loch").  A couple of pics, can you recognise the first one? The title gives you a clue...

"There can be only one..."

View of Bath from the Bath Abbey Bell Tower. Our hotel is the modern, creamy coloured building just to the right of the spire, but not the one high up the hill.

The Roman Baths by night.

Only posting a couple of pics, they take a very long time to upload with slow wifi connections and we didn't really come all this way to spend our time at a computer. Too much to see and do.

Off to Ireland tomorrow, don't know when our next wifi connection will be. I'm only using the free ones so far, they charge way too much in UK - about $10 an hour. So updates may be sporadic from here on in. 

Hope you're all having as much fun as we are....hehehe

Love to all, wish you were here too

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