Friday, September 24, 2010


We have made it to the land of the pharoahs. I was looking forward to totally different to Europe...well I got it. Mum has become religious I think, she seems to do a lot of praying as we're driving through Cairo and Alexandria. I just keep laughing, it's a joyride to me. They've been driving like they do for a long time now, it obviously works for them. It is so nice and warm, but the sun doesn't have much sting - too much smog to get through!!! Allison and Prue will be on their way over tomorrow. When they get here I guess that signals the start of the last leg of mum's and my adventures. Crikey....we'll be home before we know it.

Here's a couple of pics, as we've only been in Egypt 24 hours and haven't done much sightseeing yet. Just overnight in Cairo then on to Alexandria first thing this morning. Visited the catacombs, but no camera allowed. Then visited Pompey's Pillar and the Serapeum. The Serapeum was where the rescued scrolls from the Library of Alexandria were stored when the library burnt down in Cleopatra's time (toward the end of her life). The scrolls were then destroyed after 300 years, on the order of a Pope who deemed them heretical, sacriligious, etc. All that knowledge and history gone. Who's the heretic?

 Pompey's Pillar
 Mum under Pompey's Pillar
 View of part of Alexandria across the harbour
Part of Cairo from our hotel, not the place to be for too long if you value your lungs!!!
The remains of the Serapeum at Alexandria

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